Monday, October 25, 2004

The Most Important Decisions

Today I had an epiphany; one of those rare moments of clarity when the world suddenly makes sense and is put in perspective.

As James and I sat discussing some important decisions on our horizon I took a mental look back on the life choices we have already made; both good and bad. I wondered at what our life would be like now had we chosen different directions at different times in our life. Then it struck me that James' decision yesterday to advise the clerk at the grocery store when she over-changed him by $5 was a more important decision than whether he worked towards one degree or another, whether he took this job or that job, whether we live in a city or a small town; Decisions that we have been faced with over the years.
The small choices we make every day that build and represent our moral fibre do much more to form who we are than the seemingly larger choices of career direction and deciding where to live. There is a quote I read somewhere once that goes "Wherever you go, there you are". This is such a large truth that I don't think I fully comprehended it until now. It doesn't really matter where you go. What really matters is how you behave/react/respond once you get there.

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