Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy Home Maker

It seems that I have come to the time in my life where my primary purpose is to perfect the art of homemaking. As a stay at home mom in my early twenties I disdained the concept. Other than keeping my home reasonably clean I could not fathom spending an entire day "puttering" around the house. It would seem like a wasted day and I preferred to spend my days taking the boys for long walks, creating artsy cards and gifts and involving myself in the community. I don't discredit this time in my life for it was very important. I don't think that I was wasting my time or anything. Long walks, creative expression and community involvement are still very important to me. But I'm aware that being a stay at home mom in my early thirties is a very new and different experience. As I attempt to find direction in my new life I can't help but compare my role as a new mother just over a decade ago to my experience now. I am more interested in creating meals than I was then (especially because I have the help of two eager pre-teen boys who are excited about learning to cook and I want to encourage this new fascination.) I am more inclined to plan my day rather than let it evolve haphazardly (though anyone who knows me will interject that even my planning is haphazard!) I am thinking a lot about the word home maker and what it means to "make" a home. What kind of home do I want to make? I need to think about this because though haphazard can be beautiful (I love wildflower gardens), I know that to make a home that is safe, warm, nurturing and productive I need to also see my home as an orchid that needs very specific care in order to flourish.

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